Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance...
Category - Truck Driver Safety Articles
Regulation FAQ’s
I am using a driver leasing company, who is responsible for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier regulations? Answer: ...
What documentation is required to be kept to show that the vehicle is a lease or rental?
What documentation is required to be kept in the vehicle of units I have from Idealease showing that the vehicle is a lease or...
NTSB Adopts List of Most Wanted Safety Improvements for 2021-22
The National Transportation Safety Board has updated its Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements for 2021-22. The list serves as the agency’s primary advocacy tool to help save lives,...
How are You Retaining Strong Fleet Drivers?
In January, the Heavy-Duty Trucking Magazine released its 2021 Economic Outlook with four items that they see will have an impact in 2021 for the trucking industry. The first one on their list is...
Senators Reintroduce DRIVE Safe Act
Senator Todd Young (R-IN) and a bipartisan group of seven other Senators have reintroduced the “Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy Act” or “DRIVE Safe Act,” in the Senate. The...
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) Driver Tip Sheet
CVSA published this tip sheet for carriers and drivers in preparation for this year’s Roadcheck that you can print off as a handout for your drivers. Question of the WeekMy driver has gone through a...
Prepare Now for International Roadcheck May 4-6
International Roadcheck Set for May 4-6 with Emphasis on Lighting and Hours of Service The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has set May 4-6 as the dates for this year’s International...
FMCSA Releases More Entry-Level Driver Training Information
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has released new information related to the new entry-level driver training (ELDT) requirements, set to go into effect in less than a year....
Turn Around, Don’t Drown!
The South has been inundated in the past month with unprecedented storms that have brought tornados, high winds, and torrential rains. Whether you are driving or walking, if you come to a flooded...
Does Your Driver Know the Difference Between a “Defect” and a “Safety Sensitive” Defect?
The Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspection (DVIR) is part of a driver’s daily responsibility to protect themselves, the motoring public, and the equipment they operate. But does your driver know the...
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Did you know your brain can miss seeing up to 50% of your driving environment when you talk on a cell phone? And that according to research, drivers talking on cell phones had slower reaction times...