Drivers need to be especially cautious of construction zones this summer. States are making a concentrated effort to raise the awareness of the dangers in these zones. Here are some safety tips you can share with your drivers regarding construction zones:

  • SLOW DOWN and be alert when approaching a “construction zone.” Get into the correct lane well in advance. Where traffic is merging into a single lane, be cautious of other motorists racing to get ahead of slowing traffic.
  • Get OFF the PHONE…. even Hands Free phones are distracting your ability to safely operate your truck
  • PAY ATTENTION to what those orange and black warning signs are telling you to do.
  • BE ALERT for the actions of other drivers.
  • PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to construction equipment and workers. You never know their next move, so be prepared to stop.
  • WATCH SPEED LIMITS and don’t tailgate. Double your following distance. Rear-end collisions are the most common kind of construction zone accident.
  • WATCH FOR CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES entering and exiting the road in or near the construction area, as they may enter and exit at a slower speed than other traffic.
  • TURN YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON as you approach a work-zone, alerting both the construction workers and other traffic around you of your presence.

Originally posted on the Idealease Safety Bulletin