From June 5th -July 13th, 2017, you may see a new face around CIT Nashville’s parts warehouse. Cumberland International Trucks will be participating in a summer internship program launched this year by Mayor Megan Barry. Our parts intern will be here from Monday through Thursday : 8am-2:30pm.  Here is some additional information about Nashville’s Opportunity NOW.

About Nashville’s Youth Employment Initiative: Opportunity NOW

Opportunity NOW is a youth employment initiative spearheaded by the office of Nashville’s Mayor, Megan Barry, to create a more comprehensive out-of-school network, while improving the overall climate for hiring young people. This initiative supports Nashville’s next generation (ages 14-24) as they develop valuable life skills and confidence needed to excel in the workplace.

Opportunity NOW provides young people with real chances to learn skills that stimulate the next generation of growth in our economy – benefitting our youth, our businesses, and our city. – Opportunity Now

Opportunity NOW is a coordinated initiative launched by Mayor Megan Barry to provide young people in Davidson County access to employment. In Nashville, we have seen fewer and fewer teenagers and young adults working during the summers and after-school. At the same time, Nashville employers across various industries are concerned about the lack of “soft” skills among their youngest employees—skills most readily learned through actual work experience.

The initiative was created based on recommendations from the Mayor’s Youth Violence Summit as a way to connect youth to opportunity and to hope. Opportunity NOW is designed to combat the growing gap in opportunity and will become the much needed system for delivering employment and employment-like opportunities for young people.

Helping to implement the Mayor’s initiative is the Nashville Career Advancement Center (NCAC), a division of the Mayor’s Office and the city agency for workforce development. NCAC coordinates closely with Mayor Barry and her Advisory Council for the program. – Mayor’s Office Website