According to the National Household Travel Survey – The Average Household Vehicle Was Driven 10,200 Miles in 2017

This week’s DOE Vehicle Technologies Office Fact of the Week #1046:

The average of all household vehicles driven in 2017 was 10,200 miles. Newer vehicles are typically driven more miles than older vehicles. Vehicles with ages of one to five years all average over 12,000 miles per year. The vehicles that are over nine years old average 7,800 miles per year.

The National Household Travel Survey was conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the NHTS is the authoritative source on the travel behavior of the American public. It is the only source of national data that allows one to analyze trends in personal and household travel. It includes daily non-commercial travel by all modes, including characteristics of the people traveling, their household, and their vehicles.