What are the Disqualifications that Would Prevent a Driver from Receiving Clearance in the Security Threat Assessment Process for a Hazardous Materials Endorsement?
Conviction of any of the following crimes will disqualify a driver from being eligible for a hazmat endorsement:
Terrorism, Assault with intent to murder, Murder, Espionage, Sedition, Kidnapping or hostage-taking, Treason, Rape or aggravated sexual abuse, Extortion, Robbery, Arson, Bribery, Smuggling, Immigration violations ,RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) violations, Unlawful possession, use, sale, distribution, or manufacture of an explosive device, firearm, or other weapon, Distribution of, intent to distribute, possession, or importation of a controlled substance, Dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation, including identity fraud, Crimes involving a severe transportation security incident, Improper transportation of a hazardous material, Conspiracy or attempt to commit any of these crimes
Keep in mind that if the driver fails the security threat assessment that does NOT mean that they will be denied a CDL only that they will NOT be issued a hazmat endorsement.
All drivers who need to renew their hazardous material endorsement or apply for a new HM endorsement on their CDL need to complete the “Security Threat Assessment” process. It is recommended that drivers start this process 30 days prior to the expiration of their license. To start the assessment process click here.