Cumberland Veteran Technician, Jared Dumond wins Technician of Influence Award! Jared works at our Nashville Idealease shop and...
Category - Idealease Articles
Labor Day Driving Tips
Labor Day Driving Tips from America's Road Team The first step towards a safe trip begins in the driveway. Plan Ahead and Expect...
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
The 2024 national enforcement mobilization "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" went into effect across the country on August 16 and...
CVSA’s Brake Safety Week Scheduled for Aug. 20-26
CVSA’s Brake Safety Week Scheduled for Aug. 20-26 The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has scheduled this year’s Brake Safety Week for Aug. 20-26 with a focus on brake lining/pad...
Proactive vs. Reactive Safety and Loss Control Programs
Which One Do You Have? At the end of the year you should be evaluating your safety and loss control program to determine your performance over the year. Where do you stand compared to last year and...
Hypertension and Drivers
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health reports that 26% of truck drivers say they have hypertension. Even with high blood pressure, you may still be able to drive. Truck drivers...
Clearinghouse Return-to-Duty Process for CDL Drivers
A driver with a drug and alcohol program violation is prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, including operating commercial motor vehicles, for any DOT-regulated employer until the...
30 Tips for Driving Safely in Extreme Summer Weather
Tips for Extreme Weather like Tornados, Hurricanes, Flooding, Severe Thunderstorms and Lightning Use a rain repellent on your windshield, side windows, and mirrors to clear standing raindrops. Build...
10 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Your Employees) from the Heat
Protecting Your Employees from the Heat These conditions are created when our body cannot regulate our heat production at a safe level. First, we need to make all your employees aware of the signs...
Summer Forecast 2023 – Extreme Heat & Humidity
Heat and your Truck For drivers to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) safely, they also need to understand how heat affects the operation of the CMV. Two areas that drivers must pay attention...
Make Sure Your MCS 150 Up to Date
The FMCSA requires all interstate carriers to file a MCS-150 or MCS-150B, if a Safety permit is required, every 24 months based on the last two digits of the US DOT number. The last digit of the...
5 Risks of Driving While Using a Mobile Phone
There are several types of driver distraction: Visual – takes your eyes off the road. This can include looking for something in the vehicle, electronic devices or reading advertising along the road....