Idealease : Articles



FMCSA Phishing Scam Alert FMCSA has been notified of a phishing scam that you may receive from the FMCSA “Assistant of Administration” claiming you need to “complete your most recent up-to-date membership License certificate.” If you receive any...

10 Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones

10 Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones

10 Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! (Normal speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes may be changed, and people may be working on or near the road.) SLOW DOWN! (Speeding is one of the major causes of work zone...

April is Distracted Driving Month

April is Distracted Driving Month

Did you know your brain can miss seeing up to 50% of your driving environment when you talk on a cell phone? And that according to research, drivers talking on cell phones had slower reaction times than drivers with a .08 blood alcohol content. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and is the perfect time for motor carriers to reinforce to their drivers the dangers of distracted driving and the rules and regulations being enforced by the FMCSA.

House Holds Hearing on Electric Grid Resilience & Reliability

House Holds Hearing on Electric Grid Resilience & Reliability

On February 15, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis conducted a hearing on Strategies for Electric Grid Resilience and Reliability.  One of the witnesses was Mark Mills, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute;...

Mobile 3G Shutdown Might Affect ELD Compliance

Mobile 3G Shutdown Might Affect ELD Compliance

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is warning motor carriers that mobile telecommunications carriers are scheduling shutdown of their 3G mobile service networks to make room for more advanced 5G networks. As a result, many older cell...

CVSA Schedules Road Check for May 17th-19th

CVSA Schedules Road Check for May 17th-19th

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced this year’s International Roadcheck dates as May 17th-19th with a focus on wheel ends. Roadcheck is a 72-hour high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection, and enforcement...

FSMA and the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

FSMA and the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

FSMA rules only apply to foods regulated by the FDA. Granted, this is a significant chunk of the U.S. food supply, about 75%. The other 25% is regulated by other agencies, such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which oversees...

Food Safety and Temperature Controlled Transportation

Food Safety and Temperature Controlled Transportation

Poison control centers receive thousands of calls about suspected food poisoning each year. As the holiday seasons approach, it can be especially risky as people head to the grocery stores to prepare special meals for their loved ones. Although 14%...

Cargo Securement Regulations

Cargo Securement Regulations

Anything and everything carried on a truck must be properly secured to prevent loss of control or falling cargo from injuring drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. While safe cargo securement principles (and of course regulations) apply to every...

Driver Safety Exercise

Driver Safety Exercise

Safety Meeting Exercise As part of your next driver safety meeting have a driver get into the cab of a unit with the engine shut off and key removed and sit in the proper driving position with the seat belt fastened.  Tell the driver that you are...

Mirrors: A Reflection of Safety

Mirrors: A Reflection of Safety

The mirrors on your vehicles provide your driver with real-time information so they can operate the unit safely. If the mirrors are in poor condition and or out of adjustment the lack of the information that they provide can contribute to or be the...

FMCSA Issues Final Rule on Driver Vision Standards

FMCSA Issues Final Rule on Driver Vision Standards

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published a final rule to permit individuals who do not satisfy, with the worse eye, either the existing distant visual acuity standard with corrective lenses or the field of vision standard or...

Are You Driving with “Tunnel Vision” this Winter?

Are You Driving with “Tunnel Vision” this Winter?

Tunnel vision occurs when a driver scrapes off only a small area of ice and/or snow on their vehicle windshield to allow just enough space to see through a small hole as they drive. This practice significantly reduces a driver’s field of vision and...

Protecting Your Truck During Cold Weather

Protecting Your Truck During Cold Weather

Protecting Your Truck During Cold Weather Diesel Supplement should be added to the ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. Engine Block Heater - If you truck is equipped with an engine block heater it should be plugged...

Preventing a Single Vehicle Accident

Preventing a Single Vehicle Accident

A single-vehicle accident is any driving mishap where only one vehicle is involved. This can include veering off the road and hitting a tree, a rollover crash, or damage caused by animals or debris on the road. Bad weather, poor visibility and...

New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th

New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th

Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance materials for training providers, motor carriers, and drivers on the new Entry-Level Driver Training rule.  The new rule goes...

Regulation FAQ’s

Regulation FAQ’s

I am using a driver leasing company, who is responsible for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier regulations? Answer:  Driver services and driver leasing companies are not motor carriers and are not responsible for compliance with the...

New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th

New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th

Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance materials for training providers, motor carriers, and drivers on the new Entry-Level Driver Training rule. The new rule goes...

Protecting Your Driver and Truck During Extreme Cold Conditions

Protecting Your Driver and Truck During Extreme Cold Conditions

With cold weather conditions reaching below zero in many parts of the US it is time to remind your drivers to protect themselves and their trucks in these conditions. Protecting your Driver Cold weather precautions to prevent hypothermia and...

[RECAP] Cumberland Foundation & Community Outreach

[RECAP] Cumberland Foundation & Community Outreach

The following has been amended from Calleigh Minor's speech at the Cumberland Employee Christmas Parties in December 2021 where she spoke to employees and guests about Cumberland's Community Engagement. The Cumberland Foundation was launched to DO...

Night Driving

Night Driving

Holiday events and celebrations can be exciting times for family and friends to get together. But get-togethers with family and friends can turn into tragedies when people are killed or injured in traffic crashes. As the holiday season is...

Holiday Driving Tips

Holiday Driving Tips

Holiday events and celebrations can be exciting times for family and friends to get together. But get-togethers with family and friends can turn into tragedies when people are killed or injured in traffic crashes. As the holiday season is...