Category - Truck Leasing Articles

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

To keep families safe this Independence Day, law enforcement agencies will have increased enforcement focused on impaired driving during the 4th of...

Roadcheck 2020 May 5-7 Will Focus on Driver Requirements

Driver requirements will be the emphasis of the 2020 International Roadcheck, hosted annually by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). This...

Cumberland Idealease Supports Susan G. Komen “More Than Pink” Walk

Idealease employees participated in the Susan G. Komen More Than Pink Walk on October 26, 2019. One of our Idealease trucks was updated a breast...

Winter Fuel Mix Affecting Fuel Economy

Q: Why does my Fuel Economy drop in the colder months? A: Refineries must change the composition of diesel fuel in the winter to help it function...

April is Distracted Driving Month

Did you know your brain can miss seeing up to 50% of your driving environment when you talk on a cell phone? And that according to research, drivers talking on cell phones had slower reaction times than drivers with a .08 blood alcohol content. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and is the perfect time for motor carriers to reinforce to their drivers the dangers of distracted driving and the rules and regulations being enforced by the FMCSA.

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Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

The 4th of July holiday is a time to enjoy fireworks and show country pride but is also traditionally one of the more dangerous times on the road. To keep families safe this Independence Day, law...

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