Category - Safety Articles


With Spring already here, many of us are looking forward to spending more time outdoors. Many schools will be letting out in the next couple of weeks. There will be many children going to and from, and participating in, outdoor activities throughout the day. Adults, too, are taking advantage of the longer daylight hours, so let us all commit ourselves to stay alert and safe. Here are some safety tips for drivers I urge you to follow:

The last week of school is an exciting time for children, and they may become preoccupied and forget the rules of the road. Use extra caution when driving through school zones.
During those last few days of school, be aware that kids may arrive or leave school at different times throughout the day.
Remember that playground speed limits remain in effect year-round. Observe carefully when driving around playgrounds and parks. Small children are less predictable and harder to see than adults.
Watch for clues, a hockey net or ball in the road or on the sidewalk can mean kids are playing nearby. Pay attention and constantly anticipate the unexpected.
Always watch for small children as you’re backing up. Walk around your vehicle to ensure no kids or pets are behind it.
As you make your deliveries you will see children that would normally be in schools on bikes, skateboards, walking, etc. in parking lots, shopping centers, and crossing streets.

Driving In Springtime Weather

Turn Around Don’t Drown!

With the recent storms and flooding that have occurred this spring, drivers of any type of vehicle need to know road conditions can change rapidly with flash floods. Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm-related hazard. Why? The main reason is people underestimate the force and power of water. Over half of all flood-related deaths, each year occur with victims inside vehicles. Many of the deaths occur in vehicles as they are swept downstream.


Seat belts have been proven to be one of the best ways to save your life in a crash. Yet many still do not buckle up. Worse still, not wearing a...

Audi and Navistar partner to improve emergency vehicle and school bus safety

Audi and Navistar partner to improve emergency vehicle and school bus safety Herndon, VA - April 21, 2022 – Audi and Navistar have partnered to...
CVSA Announces Dates for Brake Safety Week

CVSA Announces Dates for Brake Safety Week

This year's Brake Safety Week is scheduled for August 22-28, according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). The enforcement campaign is a part of the larger Brake Safety Awareness...

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Managing Drivers with Prescription Drugs

Managing Drivers with Prescription Drugs

Prescription Drugs and Commercial Motor Vehicle Operation Do Not Always Mix Our society continues to be challenged with opioid overdoses. As managers of commercial drivers, we need to be aware of...

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Top 3 Hazmat Violations in 2021

Top 3 Hazmat Violations in 2021

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA’s) Analysis & Information (A&I) online data, the top three hazardous materials regulations violations so far this year...

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10 Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones

10 Tips for Driving Safely in Work Zones

We are now in the middle of work zone season and you cannot drive anywhere without experiencing a work zone. As traffic volumes begin rebounding as COVID-19 lockdown orders are relaxed, renewed...

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