Category - Safety Articles

House Holds Hearing on Electric Grid Resilience & Reliability

On February 15, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on the Climate Crisis conducted a hearing on Strategies for Electric Grid...

Mobile 3G Shutdown Might Affect ELD Compliance

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is warning motor carriers that mobile telecommunications carriers are scheduling shutdown of their...

CVSA Schedules Road Check for May 17th-19th

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced this year’s International Roadcheck dates as May 17th-19th with a focus on wheel ends....

FSMA and the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food

FSMA rules only apply to foods regulated by the FDA. Granted, this is a significant chunk of the U.S. food supply, about 75%. The other 25% is...
The Heat is On!

The Heat is On!

This crazy weather continues this year and the heat is setting record temperatures across North America. What are you doing to protect your employees from heat stroke and exhaustion? These...

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It’s Finally Summer!

It’s Finally Summer!

FOR MANY, THE HEAT HAS BEEN HERE FOR QUITE SOME TIME With much of the U.S. experiencing unprecedented heat and drought, you’ll want to consider the following precautions to beat the heat while on...

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Hurricane Season is Here!

Hurricane Season is Here!

June 1st was the official start date of the 2021 hurricane season that runs through November 30th. If we have learned anything from prior storms, preparation is critical. Now is the time to...

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FMCSA Vision Standard for CMV Drivers

FMCSA Vision Standard for CMV Drivers

Safe driving requires a combination of good vision, adequate visual field, ability to spread attention over the field of view, and motor skills. While protecting your eyes from UV is important,...

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CVSA Announces Dates for Brake Safety Week

CVSA Announces Dates for Brake Safety Week

This year's Brake Safety Week is scheduled for August 22-28, according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). The enforcement campaign is a part of the larger Brake Safety Awareness...

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