Category - Safety Articles

Fire Prevention Week: October 8-14, 2023

National Fire Prevention Week is coming, and it is a good time to review with your drivers how to prevent fires and how to react to a fire that...

New National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners in the Works

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says it is revising its online National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, which was hacked...

CDC/TSA Extend Mask Mandate on Team Drivers to January 18, 2022

Mask Mandate extended for team drivers to January 18, 2022 The Centers for Disease Control and the Transportation Security Administration have...

Preparing Your Terminal Facility for Labor Day Weekend

Have You Prepared Your Terminal Facility for Labor Day Weekend? It is not uncommon for thieves to target truck terminals over the holidays as they...

Regulation FAQ’s

I am using a driver leasing company, who is responsible for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier regulations? Answer: ...

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Tis’ Deer Season!

Tis’ Deer Season!

It is Deer season, and now is the time to remind drivers of the dangers of animals in the roadway. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimates that 1.5 million deer-related accidents occur...

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How to Make a Cold Weather Survival Kit

How to Make a Cold Weather Survival Kit

Everyone should carry a Winter Survival Kit in their truck. In an emergency, it could save your life. Here is what you need: a shovel windshield scraper and small broom flashlight with extra...

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Preparing for the Cold Weather Ahead!

Preparing for the Cold Weather Ahead!

We are now in Fall and now is the time to start preparing your operation for the cold weather ahead. Your drivers should be aware of what is required to keep their truck running during the winter...

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