Category - Safety Articles

Do You Allow Your Drivers to Take Passenger with Them While They Drive?

Some companies as a way of retaining drivers will allow them to take a spouse or child along with them while they are driving.  This practice has...

Back to School Safety

In the next two weeks we will see many students returning to school after the summer break.  For some of these students this will be the first time...

CVSA Announces Dates for Brake Safety Week

This year's Brake Safety Week is scheduled for August 22-28, according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). The enforcement campaign is...

FMCSA Proposes Rule Changes for Vehicle Safety Technologies

On Tuesday, July 6, 2021, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) proposed to change the rules for windshield-mounted cameras in...
Prevent Heat Exhaustion

Prevent Heat Exhaustion

Now that the weather has warmed up, it's a good time to be reminded that heat exhaustion, and potentially heat stroke, can effect anyone, even those who work outdoors on a routine basis. "Signs of...

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All Heat-Related Illnesses Are Preventable!

All Heat-Related Illnesses Are Preventable!

What can you do to prevent them? • Use Common Sense!• Limit your exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible.• Drink more fluids (non-alcoholic); do not drink fluids that contain caffeine or...

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Winter Fuel Mix Affecting Fuel Economy

Winter Fuel Mix Affecting Fuel Economy

Q: Why does my Fuel Economy drop in the colder months? A: Refineries must change the composition of diesel fuel in the winter to help it function better in the cold weather. These changes give the...

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