Category - Truck Articles

Terry Minor and Cumberland Featured on NADA Website for ATD’s 2019 Truck Dealer of the Year Nomination

“As an entrepreneur, it’s very satisfying to receive confirmation from the industry you participate in with recognition of this magnitude. My feelings have gone through many cycles from humble excitement to prideful remembering how far we have come in such a short period of time,” said Minor. “To win this award would be a big stamp of confirmation that we are doing things right by the community, our customers, manufacturers and the associations we support.”

We are thankful for YOU!

We are Thankful for You, Our Customers It's the time of year when we are all reminded to be grateful for the blessings surrounding us. The entire...

New International CV Class 4/5 Truck Offers True Commercial-Grade Option for Growing Businesses

Watch the CV Launch Video!   Navistar International Corporation 2701 Navistar Dr. Lisle, IL 60532 USA P: 331-332-5000 W: Media...

The All-New International CV Series is Here

It's here! The CV is rolling out today! The International® CV™ Series – the only class 4/5 truck designed, distributed and supported by...

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