The Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspection (DVIR)
The Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspection (DVIR) is part of a driver’s daily responsibility to protect themselves, the motoring public, and the equipment they operate. But does your driver know the difference between a “defect” & a “safety sensitive” defect? Drivers...
FMCSA Releases Enforcement Data for 2020
A data snapshot of motor carrier violations occurring in Calendar Year (CY) 2020 was recently updated by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Analysis & Information (A & I) Online to include the entire year. A & I Online summarizes motor...
Top Audit Violations
The top violations discovered during reviews are included in A & I Online's yearly summaries. The top five acute regulations in CY 2020 reflected DOT testing and CDL license violations: Rank Violation1. Allowing driver to drive with suspended/revoked/etc. CDL...
FMCSA Compliance Review
If a motor carrier has been contacted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) or their state motor carrier enforcement division about an audit or intervention, it is likely because their Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) scores have...
Cargo Securement Regulations
Anything and everything carried on a truck must be properly secured to prevent loss of control or falling cargo from injuring drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. While safe cargo securement principles (and of course regulations) apply to every single item carried for...
CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Stats from 2020
The CDL Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse has been around for a little over a year. The number of portal accounts, requested queries, and data submissions continue to increase. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) provided Clearinghouse statistics as...
Roadcheck 2021 to Emphasize HOS and Vehicle Lights
Each year during International Roadcheck, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA), through its member jurisdictions, captures and reports data on specific areas of motor carrier compliance. This year's event will focus on two areas, hours-of-service (HOS)...
Bringing Up the Rear, Safely
A Decent Proposal The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has proposed to include the rear impact guard, or underride guard, to the list of items that are required to be checked out during every commercial vehicle’s annual inspection. The request for...
International Roadcheck 2020 Results
On September 9-11, 2020, federal and state motor carrier inspectors conducted more than 50,000 North American Standard Level I, II, III and V inspections during the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) three-day International Roadcheck commercial motor vehicle...
The perfect gift this Valentine’s Day is the gift of heart health. Along with Valentine’s Day, February marks American Heart Month, a great time to commit to a healthy lifestyle and make small changes that can lead to a lifetime of heart health. Cardiovascular disease...
How Often is a Motor Carrier Required to Review the Motor Vehicle Record of a Driver that Operates a Commercial Motor Vehicle?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations requires a motor carrier qualifying a new driver to obtain and review the motor vehicle record of the driver within 30 days of the date of hire CFR 391.23. As a Better Business Practice it is recommended that the Motor...
Expectations of Changes for the Trucking Industry in 2021
Now that Joe Biden has been sworn in as U.S. President, motor carriers are wondering what his administration will mean for the trucking industry. Executive Actions While Democratic administrations tend to favor new safety initiatives, much of an administration’s...
How to Properly Mark a Commercial Motor Vehicle
How to Properly Mark a Commercial Motor Vehicle A common question I receive from customers is “What size do the letters and numbers need to be on the placard or marking on the side of my commercial vehicle?” Ironically, there is NO size designation by measurement....
Protecting the Truck During Cold Weather
Below are some tips for protecting your truck during the cold winter months! Diesel supplement should be added to the ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. If you truck is equipped with an engine block heater it should be plugged in...
A single-vehicle accident is any driving mishap where only one vehicle is involved. This can include veering off the road and hitting a tree, a rollover crash, or damage caused by animals or debris on the road. Bad weather, poor visibility and distracted...
FMCSA Proposes To Add Rear Impact Guards To Annual Inspections
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published a proposed rule to include rear impact guards on the list of items that must be examined as part of the required annual inspection for each commercial motor vehicle. 85 Fed. Reg. 85571 (December 29, 2020)....
TSA Will Not Continue Authority To Extend HME Validity For CDL Drivers
The Transportation Security Administration has confirmed that after December 31, 2020, the agency will not continue authorization of State Driver Licensing Agencies to extend the validity of Hazardous Materials Endorsements that have expired. The exemption was from...
Time To Finalize Your Accident Documentation For 2020
All motor carriers operating CMV’s over 10,000 lbs. MGVWR, transporting HM in placardable quantities or transporting passengers are required to record accidents on a register by calendar year as defined in 49 CFR 390.51. Even if no accidents were incurred by the motor...
Cold Weather Precautions To Prevent Hypothermia and Frostbite Hypothermia occurs when the body's temperature falls below normal. Early and mild symptoms include shivering, slurred speech, mental slowness or lethargy, muscular stiffness, and clumsiness. Symptoms of...
Help Is on the Way The first vaccines are starting to roll out, and the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a national emergency declaration giving hours of service (HOS) relief to commercial vehicle operators transporting vaccines and...