Have You Prepared Your Terminal Facility For the 4th of July Holiday?
It is not uncommon for thieves to target truck terminals and truck dealerships over the holidays. Thieves know that holiday weekends are a good opportunity for a successful theft as the possibility exists for no one to be at your facility. Make sure that you take...
CVSA to Hold Operation Safe Driver Week in July
In mid-July, enforcement personnel will focus on the unsafe driving behaviors of both commercial and passenger-vehicle drivers as a part of Operation Safe Driver Week. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) will use the enforcement campaign, slated for July...
FMCSA Reports ELD’s Are Decreasing Hours of Service Violations
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has said the new Electronic Logging Device (ELD) regulation is working well, as it posted a New Infographic on its website to be updated monthly. FMCSA describes the infographic as a “snapshot of the impact...
FMCSA Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Support Information
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has updated their website to provide a centralized location for its ELD Support email inboxes. The update includes the centralization of the following email inboxes: Click Here for general information regarding...
FMCSA Officially Delays Implementation of Medical Examiner’s Certification Integration Rule
The implementation date for the Medical Examiner's Certification Integration final rule has been officially delayed for three years, according to a recent Interim Final Rule issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The compliance date,...
Cumberland Closed Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Valued Customers, please be advised Cumberland will be closed on Wednesday, July 4, 2018 to celebrate Independence Day. We wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday, and a huge thank-you to all who serve!
Driver Shortage is the #1 Concern of Fleets Today!
Recently, I was in a meeting with safety directors of fleets that are members of the National Private Truck Council. As we went around the room discussing the number one issue facing their companies today, it was unanimous that the driver shortage was their main...
What are You Doing to Retain the Good Drivers That You Have Today?
The following are some tips for consideration to retain the good drivers you have: Review for your company policies and procedures for honesty with your drivers. Make sure the policies are forthright and achievable by your drivers. The number one reason a driver...
Help Your Fleet Drivers Avoid Rear-end Collisions
Most drivers would admit that when in a hurry they sometimes follow the vehicle in front of them too closely, but that’s not a good idea. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rear-end crashes are the most frequently occurring type of...
A Good Rule of Thumb to Gauge Following Distance
Your fleet drivers can help to avoid rear-end crashes by slowing down and dropping back from the vehicle in front, or by passing that vehicle if they can do so safely. They need to know that tailgating is not an option. A common tool used to determine proper following...
Prepare Your Drivers Before They Take the Wheel
While most of your drivers are aware that it’s wise to maintain proper following distance, it’s good to remind them periodically of your safety first policy with timely tips such as: Use the 3-second rule. When the road is dry and straight, the 3-second rule is a...
CVSA to Hold Operation Safe Driver Week in July
In mid-July, enforcement personnel will focus on the unsafe driving behaviors of both commercial and passenger-vehicle drivers as a part of Operation Safe Driver Week. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) will use the enforcement campaign, slated for July...
Beware – We Are Now In the Busiest Time of Year for Road Construction
Drivers need to be especially cautious of construction zones this summer. States are making a concentrated effort to raise the awareness of the dangers in these zones. Here are some safety tips you can share with your drivers regarding construction zones: SLOW DOWN...
Summer Heat + Tires – Tips to Avoid the Worst of It
A very famous tire engineer once stated, “Heat is to tires as Kryptonite is to Superman”…in other words, its worst enemy. Taken all together, hot summer temperatures, under-inflated tires, heavy loads, and traveling at high speeds and you have a recipe for tire...
First Day of Summer and the Heat is ON
What Are You Doing to Protect Your Employees From Heat Stroke and Exhaustion? These conditions are created when our body is unable to regulate our heat production at a safe level. First, we need to make all of our employees aware of the signs and symptoms for these...
All Heat-Related Illnesses Are Preventable!
What can you do to prevent them? • Use Common Sense!• Limit your exposure to direct sunlight as much as possible.• Drink more fluids (non-alcoholic); do not drink fluids that contain caffeine or large amounts of sugar. Sport drinks are good as they replace...
TRALA Driver of the Year: Roger Gaines
Roger Gaines was appreciative to be awarded the TRALA (Truck Rental and Leasing Association) Driver of the Year award.
CPR Steps: Learn How to Save a Life: National Safety Month
As part of National Safety Month, here are steps you can follow to perform CPR. From the Red Cross: CPR Steps Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can help save a life during a cardiac or breathing emergency. However, even after training, remembering the CPR steps and...
Are you Safe for Life? It’s National Safety Month
The National Safety Council and thousands of organizations across the are raising awareness of what it takes to stay Safe For Life. Observed annually in June, National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the roads and in...
FMCSA Offers Clarification on Personal Conveyance and Agricultural Exemption
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is clarifying - through regulatory guidance - two points of confusion surrounding the agency's hours-of-service rules: the 150-air-mile agricultural-commodity exemption and the personal-conveyance provision. In...