Category - Safety Articles

Preventing a Single Vehicle Accident

A single-vehicle accident is any driving mishap where only one vehicle is involved. This can include veering off the road and hitting a tree, a...

FMCSA Releases Details of 18–20-Year-Old Driver Apprenticeship Program

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released the details of its apprenticeship program for 18–20-year-old drivers to operate...

What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous Materials endorsement?

What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous...
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Did you know your brain can miss seeing up to 50% of your driving environment when you talk on a cell phone? And that according to research, drivers talking on cell phones had slower reaction times...

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Allergy Medications Can Impair Drivers

Allergy Medications Can Impair Drivers

Driving Under the Influence - Of Allergy Medicine Spring will arrive on Saturday March 20th in the U.S., bringing along a slew of seasonal allergies. Experts suggest that the 2021 allergy season...

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Frost Laws in 16 states and 9 Provinces

Frost Laws in 16 states and 9 Provinces

Spring weather often creates driving challenges. Specifically, the change in ground temperature can damage roads and vehicles and result in "roller coaster" rides from "wavy roads." Consequently,...

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