Category - Truck Articles

C10 Nominated for Tennessee Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award (GESA)

The C10 has been nominated for the clean air category of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Governor's...

Does Your Driver Know the Difference Between a “Defect” and a “Safety Sensitive” Defect?

The Drivers Daily Vehicle Inspection (DVIR) is part of a Driver's Daily Responsibility to Protect Themselves, the Motoring Public and the Equipment...

NJPA Purchase Program for Government, Education and Non-Profit Organizations

International Truck is proud to announce that we have been awarded a multi-year contract by the National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) for purchase...

Pre and Post Trip Inspection Straight Truck

Watch this quick video from Idealease on Pre/Post Trip Inspections for a straight truck. Originally posted on the Idealease Safety...

Terry Minor and Cumberland Featured on NADA Website for ATD’s 2019 Truck Dealer of the Year Nomination

“As an entrepreneur, it’s very satisfying to receive confirmation from the industry you participate in with recognition of this magnitude. My feelings have gone through many cycles from humble excitement to prideful remembering how far we have come in such a short period of time,” said Minor. “To win this award would be a big stamp of confirmation that we are doing things right by the community, our customers, manufacturers and the associations we support.”

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