The FMCSA requires all interstate carriers to file a MCS-150 or MCS-150B, if a Safety permit is required, every 24 months based...
Category - Holly Czuba Articles
5 Risks of Driving While Using a Mobile Phone
There are several types of driver distraction: Visual – takes your eyes off the road. This can include looking for something in...
Parts & Service Specials – June 2023
Cumberland International Parts and Service Specials for June 2023 Call your local branch to take advantage of this month's...
FMCSA Releases Details of 18–20-Year-Old Driver Apprenticeship Program
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released the details of its apprenticeship program for 18–20-year-old drivers to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce. The...
What do the FMCSA regulations say about my driver who has a current medical certificate but has developed a medical condition that would make the operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) questionable and possibly unsafe?
What do the FMCSA regulations say about my driver who has a current medical certificate but has developed a medical condition that would make the operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV)...
What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous Materials endorsement?
What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous Materials endorsement? Conviction of any of the...
New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th
Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance materials for training providers, motor carriers, and drivers on the new...
Regulation FAQ’s
I am using a driver leasing company, who is responsible for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier regulations? Answer: Driver services and driver leasing companies are not motor carriers and...
What documentation is required to be kept to show that the vehicle is a lease or rental?
What documentation is required to be kept in the vehicle of units I have from Idealease showing that the vehicle is a lease or rented vehicle? Answer: If the vehicle is subject to the Federal Motor...
Cumberland and the new Electric IC Bus featured on Orlando’s NBC WESH 2 News.
Cumberland and the new Electric IC Bus were featured on Orlando's NBC WESH 2 News.
From the Archives: IC Bus on Discovery’s How It’s Made
Back in 2013 Discovery Channel's "How It's Made" featured a school bus. From the archives, check out this tour of the IC Bus Tulsa Plant and watch a school bus being made!
Why Would Anyone Buy an Electric Truck or Bus?
Why Would Anyone Buy an Electric Truck or Bus? Let's jump in! We're all thinking it. How can Electric Trucks or Buses work? Jason Gies has some ideas. By Jason Gies - Vice President, eMobility...