Using safety technology can create a safer workplace for your drivers. Every time your driver gets behind the wheel, he or she...
Category - Holly Czuba Articles
New FMCSA Driver Physical Exam Form Required on Sept. 7th
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) released a revised version of its Medical Examination Report form (long...
Deadline for Updated Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) is August 31st
Employers and their service agents must use the revised Federal Drug Testing CCF no later than August 31, 2021. The previous...
Alcohol, Drivers and the Holidays
Now is a good time to remind your drivers of the consequences of drinking during the holiday season and what effect their actions can have on their CDL or operator's license and ultimately their...
Terry Minor and Cumberland Featured on NADA Website for ATD’s 2019 Truck Dealer of the Year Nomination
“As an entrepreneur, it’s very satisfying to receive confirmation from the industry you participate in with recognition of this magnitude. My feelings have gone through many cycles from humble excitement to prideful remembering how far we have come in such a short period of time,” said Minor. “To win this award would be a big stamp of confirmation that we are doing things right by the community, our customers, manufacturers and the associations we support.”
We are thankful for YOU!
We are Thankful for You, Our Customers It's the time of year when we are all reminded to be grateful for the blessings surrounding us. The entire Cumberland organization has so much to be thankful...
Tips for Safe Driving at Night
Although Most of The Driving Takes Place During Daylight Hours, More Accidents Occur at Night and Most Fatal Accidents Happen During the Night. The professional driver understands that it takes...
Are You Using the PreEmployment Screening Program (PSP)?
PSP was designed to assist the motor carrier industry in assessing individual operators’ crash and serious safety violation history as a preemployment condition. A carrier will pay $10 for each...
Have You Prepared Your Terminal Facility for the Long Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend?
It is not uncommon for thieves to target truck terminals over the holidays as they know it is a good opportunity if there is no one there. Make sure that you take extra precaution to secure the...
Tips for Truck Driving in Cold Weather Conditions
Diesel additive should be added to the ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. If your truck is equipped with an engine block heater it should be plugged in when the...
Fuel Additive Use During Cold Weather Conditions
As colder weather approaches you need to use fuel additives to prevent fuel jelling. Fuel additive should be added anytime the ambient temperature is below 32 degrees F. Power Service and Penray are...
NIOSH: Truck Stops Lack Healthy Options For Drivers
Truck stops provide basic needs for drivers, but they often lack in areas that help drivers maintain a healthier lifestyle, according to research from the National Institute for Occupational Safety...