Industry : Articles

International Launches MV Series

International Launches MV Series

INTRODUCING THE MV™ SERIES, DELIVERING UPTIME DAY IN AND DAY OUT STEP UP YOUR UPTIME We get drivers and their needs, and we get them where they’re going—safely and comfortably. With a wide range of applications and a focus on connectivity, the MV™...

Freezing Air Brakes?

Freezing Air Brakes?

Sub-Freezing Temperatures Wreak Havoc This time of year can add up to costly inconveniences and down-time. The freezing temperatures are hard on trucks and other equipment. A little bit of preventative maintenance can mean the difference in...

Daylight Savings Time Starts Sunday

Daylight Savings Time Starts Sunday

Sunday, November 5, 2017 is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time.   Make sure that all of your drivers are aware that the change to daylight savings will occur. Caution route drivers especially that the amount of daylight will change...

National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) Program – 2017

Sales Program G-1304 February 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017 International® Truck is proud to announce that we have been awarded a multi year contract by the National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) for purchase of new International® vehicles. As a...