Mentions : Articles

Terry Minor and Cumberland Featured on NADA Website for ATD’s 2019 Truck Dealer of the Year Nomination

Terry Minor and Cumberland Featured on NADA Website for ATD’s 2019 Truck Dealer of the Year Nomination

“As an entrepreneur, it’s very satisfying to receive confirmation from the industry you participate in with recognition of this magnitude. My feelings have gone through many cycles from humble excitement to prideful remembering how far we have come in such a short period of time,” said Minor. “To win this award would be a big stamp of confirmation that we are doing things right by the community, our customers, manufacturers and the associations we support.”

RACEto10MPG featured in Heavy Duty Trucking (HDT)

The Race to 10 MPG is getting great coverage. Here Sharp and Cumberland's partnership is highlighted in an article on HDT. "Last year, our annual special June fuel issue focused on the question of how feasible it was to hit 10 mpg in real-world...

Drought Affecting TN

On Thursday, November 17, Steve McCarley, our Sales Manager at Cumberland Tractor was featured on Fox 17 News on a segment covering the effects of the drought in Tennessee. Around minute 1:30, Steve McCarley says, "I've been in this industry about...

TAPT 2016 – Bus

TAPT 2016 – Bus

Cumberland Bus continues to be very active in the participation and support of the Tennessee Association of Pupil Transportation (TAPT). Through the sponsorship of regional lunches and the annual conference, Ashley Hailey does an excellent job of...