Mirrors: A Reflection of Safety
The mirrors on your vehicles provide your driver with real-time information so they can operate the unit safely. If the mirrors are in poor condition and or out of adjustment the lack of the information that they provide can contribute to or be the sole cause of an...
FMCSA Issues Final Rule on Driver Vision Standards
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published a final rule to permit individuals who do not satisfy, with the worse eye, either the existing distant visual acuity standard with corrective lenses or the field of vision standard or both, to be physically...
Are You Driving with “Tunnel Vision” this Winter?
Tunnel vision occurs when a driver scrapes off only a small area of ice and/or snow on their vehicle windshield to allow just enough space to see through a small hole as they drive. This practice significantly reduces a driver’s field of vision and greatly increases...
What size do the letters and numbers need to be on the placard or marking on the side of my commercial vehicle
How to Properly Mark a Commercial Motor Vehicle A common question from customers is “What size do the letters and numbers need to be on the placard or marking on the side of my commercial vehicle?” Ironically, there is NO size designation by measurement. Keep reading...
Protecting Your Truck During Cold Weather
Protecting Your Truck During Cold Weather Diesel Supplement should be added to the ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. Engine Block Heater - If you truck is equipped with an engine block heater it should be plugged in when the...
Preventing a Single Vehicle Accident
A single-vehicle accident is any driving mishap where only one vehicle is involved. This can include veering off the road and hitting a tree, a rollover crash, or damage caused by animals or debris on the road. Bad weather, poor visibility and distracted driving can...
FMCSA Releases Details of 18–20-Year-Old Driver Apprenticeship Program
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has released the details of its apprenticeship program for 18–20-year-old drivers to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce. The notice is an Information Collection Request seeking emergency approval by...
What do the FMCSA regulations say about my driver who has a current medical certificate but has developed a medical condition that would make the operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) questionable and possibly unsafe?
What do the FMCSA regulations say about my driver who has a current medical certificate but has developed a medical condition that would make the operation of a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) questionable and possibly unsafe? FMCSA regulations prohibit a driver from...
What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous Materials endorsement?
What are the disqualifications that would prevent a driver from receiving clearance in the security threat assessment process for a Hazardous Materials endorsement? Conviction of any of the following crimes will disqualify a driver from being eligible for a hazmat...
New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th
Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance materials for training providers, motor carriers, and drivers on the new Entry-Level Driver Training rule. The new rule goes into effect on...
Regulation FAQ’s
I am using a driver leasing company, who is responsible for compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier regulations? Answer: Driver services and driver leasing companies are not motor carriers and are not responsible for compliance with the regulations. The driver...
What documentation is required to be kept to show that the vehicle is a lease or rental?
What documentation is required to be kept in the vehicle of units I have from Idealease showing that the vehicle is a lease or rented vehicle? Answer: If the vehicle is subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety (FMCSA) regulations (greater than 10,000 lbs MGVWR)...
New FMCSA Regulation Starts February 7th
Entry-Level Driver Training Rule The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published FAQs and other compliance materials for training providers, motor carriers, and drivers on the new Entry-Level Driver Training rule. The new rule goes into effect on...
Protecting Your Driver and Truck During Extreme Cold Conditions
With cold weather conditions reaching below zero in many parts of the US it is time to remind your drivers to protect themselves and their trucks in these conditions. Protecting your Driver Cold weather precautions to prevent hypothermia and frostbite: Hypothermia...
[RECAP] Cumberland Foundation & Community Outreach
The following has been amended from Calleigh Minor's speech at the Cumberland Employee Christmas Parties in December 2021 where she spoke to employees and guests about Cumberland's Community Engagement. The Cumberland Foundation was launched to DO GOOD with partners...
Night Driving
Holiday events and celebrations can be exciting times for family and friends to get together. But get-togethers with family and friends can turn into tragedies when people are killed or injured in traffic crashes. As the holiday season is approaching, motorists need...
Holiday Driving Tips
Holiday events and celebrations can be exciting times for family and friends to get together. But get-togethers with family and friends can turn into tragedies when people are killed or injured in traffic crashes. As the holiday season is approaching, motorists need...
Alcohol, Drivers, and the Holidays!
Now is a good time to remind your drivers of the consequences of drinking during the holiday season and what effect their actions can have on their CDL or operator's license and ultimately their employment with your company. Advise your drivers to use caution when...
FMCSA Issues Guidance on Submitting DUIs to Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has issued guidance on new requirements contained in the agency’s October 7, 2021, final rule on its Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. The guidance notes that the new Clearinghouse rule does not change any of the...
Veterans, Thank You for Your Service.
Today we honor, recognize, and thank Veterans. To our Veterans here in our Cumberland family - thank you for your service.[6,7 _i="0" _address="" /][21 _i="1" _address="" /][21 _i="2" _address="" /][{ _i="3" _address="" /][{...