Category - Holly Czuba Articles

Why are we getting brake adjustment violations?

With automatic slack adjusters required by regulation on trucks and tractors since 1994 and trailers since 1995 why do we have brake adjustment violations? The first reason is that this is a mechanical device which if it is not maintained properly can malfunction and contribute to brakes out of adjustment. Slack adjusters on all commercial vehicles should be inspected and greased every 90 days.

Benefits of Switching to Electric

BENEFITS OF SWITCHING TO ELECTRIC Switching to electric trucks can offer a multitude of benefits for your business, your customers, and the planet....

Female Truck Drivers – Challenges and Resources

Female truck drivers currently make up just 8% of the professional driver workforce, but their ranks are growing fast. In the years to come, you can expect to see more women in trucking industries across the board, from local and regional driving to long-haul and specialized driving. All of that said, getting the requisite training to become a truck driver can present unique challenges for women.

Benefits of Electric Trucks

ELECTRIC TRUCKS HAVE ARRIVED Just a few short years ago, many in the industry thought that the idea of switching to an entirely electric semi-truck...
Tis’ Deer Season. “Oh Deer!”

Tis’ Deer Season. “Oh Deer!”

It is Deer season, and now is the time to remind drivers of the dangers of animals in the roadway. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety estimates that 1.5 million deer-related accidents occur...

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Cold Weather Survival Kit

Cold Weather Survival Kit

Everyone should carry a Winter Survival Kit in their truck. In an emergency, it could save your life. Here is what you need: a shovel windshield scraper and small broom flashlight with extra...

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We are still in road construction season!

We are still in road construction season!

Drivers need to be especially cautious of construction zones. States are making a concentrated effort to raise the awareness of the dangers in these zones. Here are some safety tips you can share...

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…Is that a Drunk Driver?

…Is that a Drunk Driver?

How many times while driving have you seen another motorist and ask yourself…Is that a Drunk Driver? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has established four categories to...

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