Make the Smart Investment in Performance and Safety Technology Overview and Demonstration Come learn first hand what Bendix...
Category - Locations Articles
C10 – Fith Demo Run Stats
The C10's 5th Run Common objections to the C10: "That truck won’t work in my operation." "We haul heavy." "What about when you...
[Event] Bendix Technology and IC Bus Demonstration – October 14, 2021
Make the Smart Investment in Performance and Safety Technology Overview and Demonstration Come learn first hand what Bendix...
10th Run MPG Stats
NextGen C10 is fresh off its latest test run and performing as well as Santa and his reindeer on Christmas Eve. And considering Santa and his reindeer run off cookies, milk and carrots, that’s...
9th Run MPG Stats
Before we started the 9th C10 test run, I asked our customer to put a driver in the C10 demo truck that was NOT his best driver. I wanted to prove the C10 would make a bigger impact on new or less...
Giving Thanks
From the Cumberland family to yours, we wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends. "I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual." Henry David...
Preventing Driver Injuries in Fall and Winter
The following article originally shared via Idealease Safety Bulletin. Slip/Trip and Fall injuries are the most common type of injury for drivers. Most of them occur during the winter months. Each...
Parking Lot Accident Exposure Increases during the Holidays!
As we are drawing near to the holiday season it is time to remind drivers of the exposures that exist in parking lots as they make deliveries and pickups. This holiday season pay special attention...
Daylight Savings Time Starts Sunday
Sunday, November 5, 2017 is the beginning of Daylight Savings Time. Make sure that all of your drivers are aware that the change to daylight savings will occur. Caution route drivers...
RACEto10MPG Featured in TDEC OEP’s Monthly Transportation Newsletter
On Friday, October 27, the TDEC's (Tennessee Department of Energy and Conservation) Office of Energy Programs put our their monthly newsletter, which featured a section on Heavy-Duty trucks that...
Operation Safe Driver Week is Oct. 15-21
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) announced that its 2017 Operation Safe Driver Week would be held during Oct. 15-21, 2017. During this event, law enforcement agencies throughout North...
Terry Minor Elected Chairman of Idealease, Inc. Board of Directors
Idealease, Inc. 430 N. Rand Road North Barrington, IL 60010 (847) 304-6000 CONTACT: Lance Bertram Sr. VP; Sales, Marketing & Distribution (847) 304-3165...