McGavock High School's Aviation & Transportation Academy has a picnic each year called Spring Wing Fling. Local partner...
Category - Fuel Efficiency Articles
C10 17th Run MPG Stats – 4% Fuel Efficiency Increase
This last demo run with the C10 increased Fuel Efficiency by 4% with the added use of TruckWings by XStream Trucking....
Cumberland C10 Featured in Transport Topics
Cumberland's C10, Patrick Mendenhall and TruckWings were featured in Transport Topics. Meanwhile, as fuel prices rise,...
The Race to 10 Miles Per Gallon
All, as many of you know, over the course of several years, the Cumberland International Fleet team has been striving to produce a truck that gets 10 miles per gallon. That project yielded a truck...
11.2 MPG! —>In case you missed it – RACEto10MPG round up
Here's a round-up of #RACEto10MPG updates you may have missed - 11.2 MPG! 8th Run Update Cumberland's C10 Changed the Way I Drive Gooch's Driving Tips Gooch's Mid-Trip Review Driver Bio: David Gooch...
Cumberland’s C10 Changed the Way I Drive
"I want to thank everybody at Sharp Transport, Cumberland, International. Everyone who gave me the opportunity to do this. I believe driving this truck [Cumberland's C10], has changed the way I'll...
8th Run MPG Stats – 11.2 Miles Per Gallon!!! #RACEto10MPG
Here's our 8th run update from Jarit Cornelius, VP Maintenance/Compliance at Sharp Transport, who we partnered with on the #RACEto10MPG. We are excited share the results. We at Sharp...
Gooch’s Tips to Get 10 MPG
What are some tips you can provide other companies to achieve 10 MPG? "Trust the cruise control. It does what it needs to do. Set your speed and leave it alone. Don't override it. Stay off your...
You’re not going to believe our next #RACEto10MPG C10 Update we're going to have someone from Sharp Transport write the run recap. Be on the lookout. Gooch in Meteor Crater, AZ.
David Gooch’s Mid-Trip Review (#RACEto10MPG)
Second Run is Underway; First Run Results are IN!
ICYMI: The results are in for the First Run in the RACE to 10 MPG! And the second run is well underway. David Gooch, of Sharp Transport has stepped up to the plate and ready to rock.
7th Run: MPG Stats: RACEto10MPG Update
Round 1 of the Race to 10 MPG has been completed and results are best to date for NextGen C10! James Thorne, veteran driver from Sharp Transport, was able to reach 9.86 MPG overall fuel economy....